Thursday, June 22, 2017


I recently started crocheting again by completing a single crocheted 10” sq. for a family project. It has been many years and I need a little refresher to get me started. However, I discovered I enjoyed doing this and it inspired me to continue a tradition of my mother-in-law of giving a handmade knit/crocheted afghan to her grandchildren at their weddings. My mother also crocheted a bedspread for each of us kids for our wedding present. So, begins the process!

I searched and searched for the ‘right’ pattern to start with. After spending time in stores and online I found the pattern I wanted to use. I ordered the online kit and was then able to download the pattern. OOPS – I had selected a pattern graded as Advanced Intermediate! (this will not surprise my sister) As I read through the pattern stitches of BPDC, FPDC, BPTR, FPTR, FPTRCross I realized this was not a simple pattern. GULP!! I thought about setting it aside and find a simpler pattern to start with. I could always use the yarn that was on its way in another pattern.

But the more I thought about it I realized the only difference between doing a ‘simpler’ pattern and this one was understanding the steps and practice. I have carefully read the instructions and I think I can do this! The instructions for FPTRCross even say: The FPTRCross isn’t difficult! Just work carefully, step by step.

That is what I needed to hear – just work carefully, step-by-step. Now my brain cross referenced to what I have been learning in the Experiencing God Bible study. In essence, this is the same instructions we are given by God. Follow Him in faith step-by-step and He will guide us. We of course need to put in the effort to learn about Him and to know Him. Just like I will need to put in the effort to learn the steps of the pattern.



My ‘deep’ thought for the day. I have been reflecting on the waterfalls and considering how the flow of water parallels our life. At the top of the falls we are ‘coasting’ through life – dealing with things in a fairly even flow. Then unexpectedly the bottom drops out and we are in free-fall trying to understand what just happened. It may be a job loss/ death of a loved one/serious illness. We hit the bottom in a tumultuous wave of life/emotions/circumstances and eventually we move out to the calmer waters again. Now if we had a life preserver on it would help us stay afloat in the tumultuous waves and support us as we move out to the calm waters. Here is where it gets good because Christ is that life preserver that helps us stay afloat in the tough times. If I didn’t have Christ in my life I would have a tough time moving on to the calm waters. I hope you have Christ in your life to help you through the ‘waterfalls of life’.


Note: this was after a trip to Portland OR with family visiting the many beautiful waterfalls in May 2017.

Stay Focused!

Stay focused! I was reminded again on Sunday of how important it is to stay focused on the present. You see, I was running Propresenter to advance the slides for the church service. I had made it through the Sunday morning practice, the first service and was toward the end of the second service. At the end of the song were two slides of the doxology. All I needed to do was hit the space bar to advance the slide just before the end of the first of those two slides to finish the song. BUT I lost my focus and missed hitting the space bar until the singing was already into the words on the second slide.

Full disclosure: here is what was happening in my mind. In the past Dan would start singing the doxology whenever a major good thing happened in our lives. It was a signature thing of his and I would join in with him. When we got to that part my mind wandered to remembering Dan and I singing together and got lost in my thoughts – I was not focused on the present but in the past.

This got me thinking about what we do with our lives. We need to focus on the present in our lives. We cannot dwell on the past as that distracts us from the present and as in my illustration above can negatively affect others as well. I’m not saying we shouldn’t ever look back or remember – no, I’m just saying we need to be careful that we don’t stay there too long.

So, what about looking to the future? We need to plan – right? Yes, planning is good but again we cannot be so focused on the future that we lose track of the present and enjoying it. When running Propresenter for the church service we practice and I make notes so I am prepared for how long to leave a blank slide up for the instrumentals, when do I stay on a blank slide for announcements, when do I advance for the singers. BUT I cannot be focusing on that next song or I will miss what needs to be done on the current slide.

Enjoy your life right now; keep focusing on the present while remembering the past and looking forward to what God has planned for you!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017


As I listened to the faith story the last Sunday (Father’s Day) I was reminded of how important my dad was in my desire to serve God through missions. My life circumstances do not define me; the loss of two husbands, being fired from a dying company, relocating, finding new employment, new friends, new church, raising two boys, family relationship struggles.

No, when I look back it was my father that helped define me. He had a quiet faith. The kind that if you looked you could see was there but was not an in-your-face kind. He was a steady hard-working man that had a heart for missions. He enjoyed traveling when he could. He never took a traditional ‘mission trip to a foreign country’ but used his talents wherever he could to help others and serve God. This was evident in his helping neighbor’s when he was laid-off from his cement finishing work in the winter. He was not one to just sit around and not do anything. Even in retirement you would find him working on cutting and rolling balls of blue jean material to make rugs.

He served at Camp Jim many hours as a board member and helping with cement work as needed. He helped at the local Bible Camp in Blackduck with projects as long as he was physically able to.  I don’t think he knew what an influence he has had on my life. I know, I never thought about it or realized it before.

My dad is gone now but I am thankful for the influence he had on me. I owe my desire to travel with a purpose and serve God to his example. Thank you, Dad.

Retirement - Missions

What do you think of when you hear ‘missions trip’? Is it about going to some ‘romantic – exotic’ location to do some physical labor or teaching ‘the gospel’ to some third world underprivileged people? Well that is one aspect. But I think the true meaning of a ‘mission trip’ is a lot less ‘romantic -exotic’. It starts with where you are at and what your capabilities are. It is about listening to what God is asking you to do when you have an intimate relationship with Him. So, a ‘mission trip’ might look a lot less adventurous – it might mean taking a hot dish to a neighbor/family member who could use some encouragement or being a behind the scene helper.

When I was preparing to retire, I started talking to God about what to do with this next ‘phase’ of my life. I knew I wanted to travel with my little dog. I wanted to explore parts of the US that I had never seen and to hike trails that I’ve only read about. BUT I also wanted to make sure that I was using the skills I had acquired and the gifts I have been given. So, I wanted to make sure that my travels were with a purpose. i.e. mission trips. God had plans for me that I could not even imagine.

 I was not planning on leaving the US but when an opportunity presented itself to travel to Poland (had to leave my dog at home on this one) to help with a European Leadership Forum as a volunteer helper, I signed up. This is a different kind of mission trip than what I was used to in the past. No building, no running day camps for children, no women’s meetings to run. This was about being a behind the scenes person helping in whatever way was needed to support the Forum mission: The European Leadership Forum seeks to serve and equip national Christian leaders to renew the biblical church and re-evangelise Europe. It was awesome!!!!

As a result, I have signed up with a group from Scottsdale AZ that are coordinating another trip in September to Wales to support their effort to conduct a similar leadership event. But this is not all that I am being blessed to do to serve God. He has provided connections with RJC (Reaching Japanese for Christ) so that I may serve at a one-day conference in Chicago with whatever support they need.

Mission trips mean many things to different people so don’t put it in a box but let God help you be creative in what your ‘mission trips’ look like.



Thank you for visiting.
From time-to-time I will be posting my musings and updates on my travels while serving God. If these can be of help to you in anyway, then that is good. For me it is therapeutic to put my thoughts on paper and this is a way of keeping them available for others to enjoy (or not). 😊
It provides me a means to provide updates to those who are interested in my travels. And provide opportunities for people to know how to pray for me. I appreciate your prayers and support. I will include a link to my mission page to help you if you decide to support any of my mission trips financially to receive a receipt for tax purposes.

 Thank you for reading and I hope I can be an encouragement to you.
