Monday, September 25, 2017

White Knight OR Humble Servant

I just had the privilege of working alongside a team of Christian leaders in Wales, UK. They were putting on their first Leadership Forum. This was a replica of the European Leadership Forum I attended in Poland in May. I have been processing these experiences and wonder if those of us that came from the U.S. were perceived as arrogant Americans coming in like a White Knight to save/help or as humble servants coming to work alongside and support them in their kingdom work. I pray that our attitude and actions reflected a humble servant heart. I know that my desire was to humbly assist wherever it was needed.

As I reflect on my motivation for pursuing and attending this 2-day event half-way around the world it is two-fold. First it was an opportunity to travel to a country I had never been to in a safe environment. I was joining other believers; housing and travel was arranged for me. It was a way to explore and see Wales. Secondly it was an opportunity to humbly serve in furthering God’s Kingdom. I was able to assist in assembling participant packets (over 350). Be a welcoming face at the plenaries and help give out over 1,000 donated books. Provide speakers support in the sessions by making sure their room was ready, be a timekeeper and general assistant as a room-monitor; answer questions and direct people as needed. I got the opportunity to visit and connect with some participants (one whom I have already exchanged e-mail communication).  
I took many pictures – actual pictures and mental pictures as well. It was a joy to work with and get to know this group of believers. It was a privilege to be able to pray with them and to see God working there. It was encouraging to observe the pictures on the walls of the children’s room where I was room monitor that reflect the same message of Christ and hope. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow wherever we go!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


A few months ago, I took these pictures in our church parking lot. Since then I have pondered what object lesson could this be. (I was sure there had to be one) 😊

 This flower is by itself in the edge of the parking lot. Not part of the flower bed beside it. Yet, it has been able to flourish and grow even though it is alone. But is it alone? Is it uncared for? This flower has the same benefit of the sun and rain as the other flowers. It doesn’t have dirt in the parking lot but it’s roots have traveled to the dirt where the other flowers share it. The gardeners chose to let this one flower grow outside of the box and become a beautiful flower. So even though it looks as though it is surviving and growing by itself, it really isn’t.

I sometimes feel alone and outside of the crowd. But I am not alone and I am cared for. We all have access to the same loving God who provides for us in so many ways. As I travel this new journey of retirement as a widow, I am often alone but I know and have seen many times how God has provided for me. The unexpected text or phone call from a friend; the beauty of a deer when out walking; the joy of worshiping God in my walks; the tangible ways when finances have been provided for; the sharing/learning from others at small group on Wed night at church; the circumstances others might call coincidence but I know are ‘God things’ are all examples of God’s care.

So, if you feel alone, remember this flower growing in the church parking lot.

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1



A mom and dad come home to find their child cooking in the kitchen. One parent immediately gets upset because the kitchen is a total disaster! This parent severely scolds the child for making such a mess.

The other parent praises the child for the wonderful dessert they made! Giving lots of praise and encouragement while overlooking the mess.

Both parents are in the same kitchen but for various reasons one focuses on the bad stuff and does not even notice the result of the child’s efforts. The other ignores the messy dishes/kitchen and focuses on the good in the situation!

This illustration demonstrates how we each have different perspectives in looking at the same situation.  There are many factors that cause this but the bottom line is we choose how we want to view life and life circumstances. We also need to be patient with others that may see life with a different lens than we do. We do not know what has happened in their lives that has influenced them.

God loves us just the way we are – mess and all. He invites us to come to him.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16