Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What If?

Pastor Tom spoke about the ‘What If’ button on Sunday. He shared that his is very big and shows up at night. We all have one…it just varies as to how big or small it is and how much it is used.
But it got me thinking about why are the What If's about negative thoughts and consequences? What if we changed the 'What If's' to positive thoughts? How would that change the way we anticipate those anxious times? What If we learned to trust God more in those times? He is always there for us to help us turn the negative What If's into positive 'What If's.

So instead of thinking…

            What if I don’t pass the test?
            What if I get lost driving to X location?
            What if I can’t follow the workout program?
            What if, what if, what if….you fill in the blanks.

So let’s change them to:
            What if I ace the test?
            What if I don’t get lost driving to X location?
            What if I can follow the workout program?

            You get the idea.

BUT you say the positive What If’s are not realistic. But are your negatives any more realistic? Negative What If’s steal your joy and your energy with no positive benefit. It makes you lose sleep and are unhappy worrying about things before they happen.

Negative What If’s are another form of worry and worry is telling God that you don’t trust him enough to be there for you and to see you through life’s challenges.

Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.
Psalm 68:19 NLT