Thursday, June 22, 2017


I recently started crocheting again by completing a single crocheted 10” sq. for a family project. It has been many years and I need a little refresher to get me started. However, I discovered I enjoyed doing this and it inspired me to continue a tradition of my mother-in-law of giving a handmade knit/crocheted afghan to her grandchildren at their weddings. My mother also crocheted a bedspread for each of us kids for our wedding present. So, begins the process!

I searched and searched for the ‘right’ pattern to start with. After spending time in stores and online I found the pattern I wanted to use. I ordered the online kit and was then able to download the pattern. OOPS – I had selected a pattern graded as Advanced Intermediate! (this will not surprise my sister) As I read through the pattern stitches of BPDC, FPDC, BPTR, FPTR, FPTRCross I realized this was not a simple pattern. GULP!! I thought about setting it aside and find a simpler pattern to start with. I could always use the yarn that was on its way in another pattern.

But the more I thought about it I realized the only difference between doing a ‘simpler’ pattern and this one was understanding the steps and practice. I have carefully read the instructions and I think I can do this! The instructions for FPTRCross even say: The FPTRCross isn’t difficult! Just work carefully, step by step.

That is what I needed to hear – just work carefully, step-by-step. Now my brain cross referenced to what I have been learning in the Experiencing God Bible study. In essence, this is the same instructions we are given by God. Follow Him in faith step-by-step and He will guide us. We of course need to put in the effort to learn about Him and to know Him. Just like I will need to put in the effort to learn the steps of the pattern.


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