Thursday, June 22, 2017


My ‘deep’ thought for the day. I have been reflecting on the waterfalls and considering how the flow of water parallels our life. At the top of the falls we are ‘coasting’ through life – dealing with things in a fairly even flow. Then unexpectedly the bottom drops out and we are in free-fall trying to understand what just happened. It may be a job loss/ death of a loved one/serious illness. We hit the bottom in a tumultuous wave of life/emotions/circumstances and eventually we move out to the calmer waters again. Now if we had a life preserver on it would help us stay afloat in the tumultuous waves and support us as we move out to the calm waters. Here is where it gets good because Christ is that life preserver that helps us stay afloat in the tough times. If I didn’t have Christ in my life I would have a tough time moving on to the calm waters. I hope you have Christ in your life to help you through the ‘waterfalls of life’.


Note: this was after a trip to Portland OR with family visiting the many beautiful waterfalls in May 2017.

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